Sex differences in muscle activation patterns associated with anterior cruciate ligament injury during landing and cutting tasks: A systematic review

Resource type: Publication Publication
  • Authors
    Otsuki, Reiko; Del Bel, Michael J.; Benoit, Daniel L.
  • Type
    Original Research
  • Journal
    Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology
  • Publication Date
  • Abstract

    Neuromuscular control is critical for maintaining dynamic joint stability and mitigating the risk of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury. Given the increased risk of ACL injury in females, sex-based differential muscle activation strategies are often associated with this risk. For example, the quadriceps-dominant muscle activation strategy sometimes observed in females has been discussed as a cause of their increased risk of ACL injury. However, there has been no synthesised knowledge on sex differences in muscle activation patterns associated with ACL injuries. Therefore, the purpose of this review was to synthesise sex differences in muscle activation patterns in movements associated with ACL injuries in both adult and adolescent populations.