Sex differences in risk factors for myocardial infarction: Cohort study of UK Biobank participants

Resource type: Publication Publication
  • Authors
    Elizabeth RC Millett, Sanne A E Peters & Mark Woodward
  • Type
    Original Research
  • Journal
  • Publication Date
  • Abstract

    This paper utilises recommended methods for analysing sex differences in risk factor associations, including the assessment of sex differences on a relative and absolute risk scale and the use of a full interaction model, including interaction terms for sex and all covariates, to account for possible sex-specific confounding. The findings from this paper demonstrate that there are clinically meaningful sex differences in the association between major cardiovascular risk factors and the onset of incident myocardial infarction. Yet, the absolute risk of myocardial infarction is lower in women than men, also in the presence of these risk factors.